GEKO - geologia, ekologia, konsulting
GEKO - geologia, ekologia, konsulting
GEKO - geologia
GEKO - ekologia
GEKO - konsulting
GEKO - realizacje
GEKO - kontakt
Pomoc UE



GEKO (Ekologia)

GeKo-Wrocław realizuje prace z zakresu szeroko rozumianej ochrony środowiska. Oferujemy naszym klientom wsparcie przy rozwiązywaniu wszelkich problemów dotyczących środowiska (powietrze, wody, gleby, gospodarka odpadami).

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Environment policy
We offer services in the performance of:
- environmental protection programs for self-governing units and associations of cities and communities,

Impact reports for projects on the environment:
- Designed and built utilities public, industrial and residential,
- Service stations, storage facilities and points of loading
- Landfills, sewage treatment, other objects,

Environmental surveys for existing industrial plants
Monitoring groundwater quality, surface water, soil, air
Applications for integrated permissions for existing and new installations (IPPC).



Waste management
We offer the following services:

- Execution of plans and management of waste management,
- Execution of plans including closure and reclamation of landfills,
- Complex services for companies in the field of waste management,
- Monitoring and performing report revealing the impact which landfills have on the environment.

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      Copyright GEKO 2011. All right reserved.

Geko, studnie, ochrona środowiska, geotechnika, hydrogeologiczne, monitoring, raport, wodnoprawne, wiercenie, ujęcie, piezometry